I always wanted to create a tree canopy underwater.
Only imagine a cold-dry driftwood that transformed to a lovely tree with wide lush green branches, fish, and shrimps enjoying themselves under the canopy would make me feel so relaxed and inspired.
So here it goes.
The Bonsai driftwood piece was bought during my trip to Vietnam |
It started when I happened to get some bonsai driftwoods from an LFS in Vietnam during the visit there. The pieces of bonsai driftwoods with great canopy really made me dream about how to make them relive in the underwater world. I kept the woods for quite sometimes by putting them on my working table, where I can daydream about what I could do.
J At that time, I already had three planted tanks at home and space was really limited to put just one more. The chances of having a bigger tank (i.e.3ft or 4ft) was slim due to the space limitations at home and also a “no-no” approval from “boss”. Alright, “happy wife, happy life”! Nevertheless, I still looked for space ouside my house, along my corridor, just to have a nano tank, with minimal budget of course. Hehehe…
A blank glass canvas that I can daydream every time :)
Tank size 36cmLx22cmWx26cmH |
And the right time came. I saw a very good deal from an AQ fellow hobbyist selling 36cm crystal tank and Twinstar LED Light 360E. I quickly got the tank first and did a research for a few days before getting the light. The reason was this light was quite strong and would cause a headache due to algae issue later on. However, you never try, you never know. I would like to go ahead and test it for my own experience. It was a really good deal anyway.
Tank, checked.
Light, checked.
Testing Eheim 2211 in progress |
Filter. I got an Eheim Classic 150 (2211) as a spare filter in my storage. So, it was just nice to have it for this new nano tank since the flow rate of 300l/hrs was quite good for this 20L tank.
CO2 set was top-up at NA Thomson and now ready for the new tank |
CO2 set. I also had a set of CO2 cylinder and solenoid valve spared. Just need to go for top up, get a CO2 diffuser and done.
Things all came at the right time, again. When I got most of the equipment needed and looked for the place for the tank, I got another deal for a 45cm ADA Style cabinet from a carouseller. The seller was so nice that even delivered the cabinet to my block. The hinges were a bit rusty but it still can function.
Before condition of the cabinet. |
After some cleaning and touch-up |
It fits perfectly in my small corner of the room Cabinet size: 45cmLx25cmWx80cmH |
And the journey begins. :)