Budget for this project has been much expanded from my initial plan. Hence, I decided to source online for some 2nd hand tools and equipment to save cost. Pretty fun the hunting game, however I got to travel here and there to collect the items. After purchasing some items, quite a good amount of money has been saved. OK, followings are the few stuffs that I got last week.
I got an Ocean Free CO2 system from a member of AQ forum. The set looks pretty new as the previous owner said he only used it for about a year. Well, it includes: Ocean Free CO2 cylinder (empty) + Solenoids Valve + Bubble Counter + CO2 atomizer (freebies).
Ocean Free CO2 system looks pretty new. |
CO2 atomizer diffusers |
I have not tried nor tested it yet because the CO2 cylinder is currently empty. I might need to find a place to re-fill or exchange the cylinder. I checked with Nature Aquarium and found out that they do 1-on-1 exchange of CO2 cylinder regardless the system bought from them or not, as long as it is the same type of cylinder. Alternative, there is a place at Boon Keng called
Bioplast that does the CO2 re-fill, too. Hope that all will be working well after re-filled. :)
Another important item I purchased last week via Carousell was the UP-Aqua Pro Z Series LED Light Z-20 (60cm). The light is in good condition with all LED works and nice outlook. Can't wait to try it on the tank.
UP-Aqua Pro Z Series LED Light Z-20 (60cm) |
Testing the light, all of LED works |
Also, got some freebies from the lighting seller. I think it could be useful later, too. :)
Small glass cup for plant with suctions. |
Reference solution for CO2 checker is also the one I need |
Last but not least was the Seachem Matrix Filter Media that purchase from Carousell as well. Quite a good deal for a brand new bottle. :)
Seachem Matrix, bio-media filtration material |
That was all for last week shopping. This week I plan to hunt for some other items, so excited me. The more I read and learn about aquascaping, the more thrilled I am. :)
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